an african rooftop...

We were ushered within the dark doorway shown in the previous image, guided through a narrow and twisting interior passage, assisted up a flight of steps, and emerged into this view of a Tamberma rooftop.

The scene includes a harvest of groundnuts, drying in the sun. The conical thatched turret has a convenient handle on top. This cap is removable and permits access for storage. The forked timber may be used for further ascent, as will be seen shortly...

Our time in Tamberma Country was all too brief. We had perhaps only 20 minutes here. Photographically speaking, our visit coincided with the worst light of the day, the harsh and unforgiving glare of 2:00pm.

To make matters worse, I may have forgotten to use a len hood.

Togo, November 2007.

Rolleiflex 3.5E2 Xenotar, Neopan 400.