la vue de notre fenêtre...We booked our place in advance using craigslist. This is not so easy as it sounds. For days and days we pored over the listings, peered into tiny jpeg images, tried to parse all the codewords for their true meaning, sent numerous email queries, and in general fretted deeply over the decision. In the end the place we got turned out ok. We had a great location, the flat itself was cozy and comfortable in a quiet old old building. We knew in advance that our place would be on the top floor (in a building without a lift!), and the little pictures showed us that we would even have a couple skylights. This got us excited. We both love lots of light, and we imagined our little loft would give us some interesting views of Paris, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Paris, January 2009. Rolleiflex MX, Xenar, Neopan 400. |